Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Love and Rhythm

Sweet Harmony

She used to dance; in the wind, in the rain

Hearing the sweet chords of harmony playing just for her

She’d feel it in her soul, and her hips would start to sway,

Her arms would join her, then her feet would take her away.

Her eyes would close while immersing in sweet melodies

And time would be lost in the soulful rhythm of her life

Now she can't dance, in the wind, in the sweet sunshine,

nor brightly shining stars, she’s lost her beat and rhyme

Her heart aching, and her hips no longer sway

Her arms wheel her chair and her feet just get in the way

Her eyes wide open, but blinded to the earth’s sweet harmonies

And time becomes meaningless, blind to life’s dear song

But she will dance, to the world, to the wide open sky

And to the earth's orchestra, playing just for her

It’s in her soul. She will sway to every beat and rhyme

Her hands beating out the rhythm on every drum she sees

And she will finally be in a world of sweet harmony

With every moment measured and treasured, her promise and her life


Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.